Monday, April 19, 2010

Pokemon Game Boy Color Review (Picture Party)

To clarify, this is a review of the Pokemon Game Boy Color, not Pokemon on the Game Boy Color. Although the Pokemon Game Boy Color has Pokemon ON IT, I'm not talking about a Pokemon game that was playable on the Game Boy.

I had this Game Boy at some point in my young years, and ever since, I've always considered it to be the best kind of Game Boy ever.

The Game Boy has Pikachu, Jigglypuff, and Togepi on it, and when anything involves any of those Pokemon, you know it's gonna be awesome. The Game Boy itself is just a normal Game Boy, but the special feature of being yellow and having Pokemon on it makes the taste of Game Boy a little bit sweeter.

It's also the only version of the console that can play Pokemon Yellow without causing people to frown at you on the street. Yeah.

There's also this Pokemon Game Boy, released around the time as Pokemon Gold and Silver, but I've never owned it, so I can't say how awesome it felt in my hands. And the original one felt good in my hands, man.

And then there's this Pokemon Game Boy, released only in Japan... but I'm getting of topic.

In summary, the Pokemon Game Boy Color was tubular and radical and bodacious.

Score: 11/10

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